Dadhood’s mission is to help pregnancy resource centers establish and equip men’s ministries.
To fulfill that mission, we offer free start-up resources, along with advice and networking to help get a new or young ministry firmly established. We then work to equip that center with the resources they need to reach, teach, and coach expectant fathers and young dads. We do that with our own curriculum, counseling materials, and on-site or online training along with team-building for male coaches.
Dadhood founder Tony Trammell has been involved in the pro-life cause since the early 1990’s when he and his family first started participating in walks for life and attending banquets. He started working with young men in his church in 1997, and in 1999 was invited to become a member of the board of trustees at his local pregnancy center.
From this new position Tony saw the true need to offer services to young men and expectant fathers, some of whom were coming into the center with their partners. Having them there was a good and rare thing because most young men, then and now, wouldn’t come along. They saw, and still see, the center as a pink building, a place where girls’ medicine takes place, a place where men are not really welcome. With the support of his fellow board members and executive director, and at the request of a local court judge, Tony met with his first male clients in 2001, then set out to make the center more male-friendly.
Then in a way that only He can, God opened a door in 2003 for Tony to become a full-time volunteer and start a true men’s ministry from scratch. Over the next 7 years he wrote, created, and used daily what is now our curriculum, Preparing for Dadhood, Second Edition, while building up to and mentoring several hundred clients per year. In 2010 he stepped aside from that center to try to follow God’s next mission for him — to help other centers start men’s ministries around the country.
Since then, he has partnered in small and larger ways with centers in 49 states and 12 other countries, and has written 2 other books, Defending Dadhood, Second Edition, and Building Dads in Pink Buildings, as well as a booklet, A Few Good Men: Finding & Keeping Male Coaches. He is currently working on another book, and with a lot of help along the way we now offer our resources in Spanish.
God has blessed and has amazingly opened so many doors over the past 25 years. He has allowed Tony to do several training webinars for Heartbeat International, including 3 that count for credit in the Heartbeat Academy. He has conducted training workshops at annual Carenet Conferences, and has been a guest on numerous podcasts, radio shows, and Zoom presentations.
Dadhood is now a family ministry for Tony and his wife, Amy, along with their 3 adult children, Scott, Joe, and Tara. God has done amazingly things over the past 25+ years and He alone gets all the glory!